Thursday, August 7, 2008

Community Ideas

The Sussex-Wantage Consolidation Study Commission wants to elicit ideas and concerns from the citizens of both Sussex and Wantage as we study the possibility of merging the two towns. We invite you to write your ideas and concerns in this blog. Please keep your ideas brief and to the point.

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Anonymous said...

I hope that the people of Sussex and Wantage take advantage of this blog to express their thoughts.

Anonymous said...

It's not just a question of saving money. It's the history of both towns. It's the potential for corruption when big government is involved. Yes, I know people don't like change, but "if it ain't broke, why fix it?" Sussex is a cute town, I would think the people there would never want their town to be swallowed up by a bigger town. Also, Sussex doesn't spend thousands of dollars giving benefits to their town politicians, so if they join with us, they'd have to pony up more tax dollars. This all leads me to ask...Who is pushing this merger? And what is that person's motive? I think realtors are the only ones who win in this situation. And that means more congestion on our roads with more people moving here. Remember, once it's done, you can't turn back...tell the state to stay out of our towns!

Anonymous said...

Last night's meeting was a good start in obtaining public input in connection with the merger study

In the interest of full disclosure let me first mention that I am a Wantage resident and member of the Wantage Open Space Committe and recently I was retained as the planning consultant for Sussex Borough. My comments, however, are strictly my own and are not connected in any way to my official positions in Wantage or Sussex

A couple of observations about the study:

1. Hopefully everyone will keep an open mind until there is more data to discuss
2. Remember, Wantage and Sussex were a single municipality at one time. A merger would, in effect, reestablish a prior arrangement. Granted times have changed and maybe a merger will not make sense now but it would not be a new arrangement based on our history.
3. It is always difficult to entice the public to participate in matters like this. Hopefully there is enough money in the budget to enable a serious outreach effort. I'm not certain if information about the study has been distributed at the schools but I know that's a great way to reach a large segment of the population, either via the school publications or as flyers to be sent home with the children
4. At the meeting, the main focus was on the financial issues, as it should be. However, I hope the study also evaluates some issues
that are not necessarily "quatifiable". In other words are there any social or community identity benefits that a merger would provide ?
5. Speaking of community identity, I know there is a concern that Sussex Borough would lose its identy if the merger occurs. Here are two thoughts about that point: A.) There are currently a number of sections of Wantage - Beemerville, Colesville etc - that have continued to maintain their identities to a certain extent. Maybe Sussex could readopt its former name and be known as the "Deckertown" section of the new muncipality. The name Deckertown actually has more historical significance than the name Sussex does.
B.) In terms of the form of government for the new municipality if the merger occurs, it is my opinion that several of the elected representatives should be elected at large and the others from delineated districts. In this way the district boundaries could be drawn so that most of current day Sussex would be within one district and be assured of representation on the new governing body